Immigration, Criminal, Divorce,
and Family Law
If you, your spouse or your child has received a conditional green card based on a marriage to a United States citizen, it is important that you speak with an immigration attorney who understands the complexity of the immigration system so that you may be properly informed of your options and the requirements for removing the condition on the green card. At the Law Offices of Norka M. Schell, LLC, in New York City City, we represent clients before the Department of Homeland Security, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. We focus on the broader picture, looking at how to assist you in both your Removal on Conditions on Green Card and in other immigration matters.
Investor must petition for removal of Condition on Residence status within 90 days before the second anniversary.
Conditional Residents who obtained Status through marriage must petition to USCIS to Remove the Conditions on his or her residence within 90 days before the second anniversary.
Call 212-258-0713 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with our firm today.
Your immigration permanent residence status is conditional (CR) unless it is more than two (02) years old at the time of granting the immigrant status.
Generally, you may apply to remove your conditions on permanent residence if:
You and your spouse must apply together to remove the conditions on your residence . You should apply during the 90 days before your second anniversary as a conditional resident. The expiration date on your green card is also the date of your second anniversary as a conditional resident. The timely filing of a joint petition or a waiver petition will automatically extends your status until the application is adjudicated.
Removal of Conditions must be timely filed. If you fail to timely file your petition to removal of conditions or appear for interview, you immigration status will be terminated. However, USCIS may waive the untimely filing for “good cause and extenuating circumstances.”
If you file and USCIS denies your petition, you will be placed in removal proceedings, and there is no appeal of a denied petition except in proceedings. You cannot file your Immigration Petition to Removal of Conditions with the Immigration Judge.