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Update: Temporary Injunction Againts Daca/Dapa
This week, a federal judge in Texas granted a temporary injuction to stop implementation of executive action on Immigration Reform. We are confident that at the end of the legal process, the strong foundation for the President’s actions will end in a positive reuslt. Nevertheless, it’s likely there will be a short-term delay in the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
I will continue sharing the message that eligible immigrants should prepare for the deferred action programs that will provide millions of immigrants and their families the chance to live and work free from the fear of deportation. Importantly, legal authorities from across the political spectrum agree that President Obama’s executive actions on immigration are constitutional and within his authority to act.
We have worked tiressly for this victory, and we are not going to give up because of this temporary injuction. We will continue to fight for 11 million undocumented immigrats in our country to be able to contribute fully to our communities and our economy, and work toward the permanent legislative solution to our broken immigration system that our country desperately needs.
We are confident that this injuction will not last long-and we encourage eligible immigrants to continue to prepare for the deferred action programs.